Wednesday 24 December 2008

Dorian Gray - no. 35

Penguin Classics - 2008 hardback edition

Price:£8 (it was £4 off)

History: So, on the way out from that extravagant luxury purchase...I kinda saw another one. Because it was gorgeous, and because it was reduced. And exclusive to Waterstones.

Look: Nice, chunky hardback, which I especially admire for the black/white colour scheme and the old fashioned style. What I really want is a good facimile of the original, but this will do for now. The actual style of the text is also identical to the paperback Penguin Classics, which was the first edition I ever read.

Introduction/appendices: the Penguin Classics default by Robert Mighall. I've read it before - and so have I the notes at the back, and the selection of reviews. Its identical to some of my other Penguins. It has a thin, white bookmark.

Caught: 12-12-2008

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